5 Super Quick Workouts For the Super Busy Person

The #1 reason why most people don't have time to workout is because there is not enough time to do so. Well, I'm going to prove you wrong ;)

Got 5:00? That's all you need. Here are 5 super intense and super fat burning workouts you can do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week.

#1 5:00 Pushups and Squats Find a clock, stopwatch, gymboss, or workout muse to time these intervals. All you do is squat and pushup for 5:00 strait. If you are a beginner go for as long as you can. You simply do as many pushups as you can then switch immediately into squats. Try and beat your rep total for each exercise each time you attempt it.

#2 5:00 squat thrusts This is a bootcamp killer. Everybody hates this one! Squat thrust you start standing then squat down and place both hands on the floor, then kick you feet back behind you; so now you're in the top of the pushup. Now bring the feet back, and then stand back up- that's one rep.

#3 5:00 Jumping Jacks/ Vertical Jumps/ Mountain Climbers/burpees/ sprint in place Simply do each exercise for 1:00 each and immediately switch to the other one. Your a true stud or studette if you can go all 5:00 without stopping. If you can't, don't worry, just do what you can and try to improve each time.

#4 5:00 Static holds Static holds build up isometric strength and are killer exercises with a major burn. These exercises are wall squats, bridges/planks, side bridges/planks. There are a lot more, but these are the most common. Isometric means either holding a weight in a certain spot along an exercise range of motion, or pushing as hard as you can against an immovable object.

To perform 5:00 torture set simply perform the wall squat as long as you can, then move into a bridge variation. The bridge will be a lot harder after the wall squat, because you don't realize that your leg muscles help you so much in stabilizing you for the bridge. Keep repeating that back and forth until 5:00 is up.

#5 Strength/Anerobic 5:00 Strength/Anaerobic simply is switching between a strength exercise and an anaerobic exercise. So for strength you can chose between pushup variations, squat variations, lunge variations, pullup/pulldown variations, rowing variations, pressing variations- those are the main ones that you will get the most benefit out of. For an anaerobic exercise (which simply means 'without oxygen', so if you do it full out you will run out of oxygen fairily quickly depending on the exercise. For these pick either mountain climbers, burpees, squat thrusts, jumping variations, sprinting in place or outside. Once you have your exercises simply perform as many reps of the strength exercise then switch to the anaerobic exercise for as long as you can.

Good Luck!

Jason Yun, a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Sports Nutritionist, is the owner of Yun Strength and Fitness Systems, LLC and is a Columbus fitness bootcamp instructor and weight management teacher. Visit this blog post to leave a comment: http://yunbootcamps.com/blog/?p=257 For info on Yun's fitness bootcamps go to http://www.yunbootcamps.com/schedule.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Yun