Exercise To Lose Belly Fat: 3 Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

We hear the request all the time: "I want the best exercises to lose belly fat fast.... ideally in about 2 weeks I want six pack abs"

THE WRONG ANSWER:==> What they expect to hear is do sit ups, crunches, etc but they have already found out it does not work.

THE RIGHT ANSWER:==> Let's take this in two steps: first dropping fat and then building up those great abs, regardless if for men or women.

Think of your stomach fat as simply "piggy banks" of stored energy. If we want to remove fat from the piggy banks fast, then we must "withdrawal" more energy than we put in. It is that simple.

If you do that right, you can lose substantial belly fat in DAYS rather than weeks.

So, what are the best exercises to lose belly fat? It is those that consume the most calories before and after your workout.

Exercise 1: Cardio Training (interval):

Pick your favorite cardio excesses (bike, treadmill, walking, running, really does not matter). The secret here is to trick your body by varying speeds a lot. A good way to start is to simply vary your speed (both up and down) every two minutes. This will get your metabolism in overdrive which will then burn belly fat for 24 hrs a day.

Exercise 2: Squats

Huh? This works the legs right? Yes but it also works a lot of other muscle groups as well that builds muscle mass. Muscle burns calories 24 hours a day those making withdraws from your "piggy bank".

Exercise 3: Weighted Sit-Up Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Ok, let's add one more directed right at the abs. You can do some weighted sit ups because it will also build a lot of muscle, again burning fat stores. It has the added benefit of adding muscle tone to the abs.

We have gotten killer results, sometimes using that best exercises to lose belly fat [http://www.RapidWeightLossMadeEasy.info]: sometime as fast as 7 days. After your initial period, then you can really make progress towards getting that lean mid-section you always desired.

===> GET 1 SIMPLE, FAST PLAN FOR LONG LASTING, BELLY FAT LOSS: [http://www.RapidWeightLossMadeEasy.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Anderson,_PhD