Lose Body Fat Using Elite Bodybuilders' Secrets

Have you ever seen a skinny fat person. The kind of person that looks like they have small bones but have a lot of fat covering those bones. Or the kind of person that lost water weight but still has a lot of fat hanging off his body.

One of the main reasons these persons look the way they do is because they are not doing the kind of exercises that cause them to lose body fat and build muscle.

Look at bodybuilders. Some of them are in excess of 220 pounds and yet they don't look overweight. That is because they have a lot of lean body mass. And that is what skinny fat people lack - lean body mass.

Putting on muscle is a vital part of increasing your metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight. This is because muscle burns fat. The more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be.

To lose body fat, you don't need to be a gym freak or steroid freak. You don't need to be hitting the weights day in day nor do you need to aspire to look like a body builder or fitness model. But what you need to do is to do the right type of exercises.

You see, not all form of exercises are equal in efficiency in burning fat. And you might be surprised to know that neither is lifting weight the most efficient workout for losing weight. Sure, lifting weights can help you to lose body fat but it is a long slow process. Kinda like the slow boat to China.

By doing the right combination of exercises, you can turn your body into a calorie burning machine and in the process build up some muscular definition. Don't worry, you won't become huge and muscular if you want to. But you''ll achieve an ideal weight, look good in your clothes and look strong and healthy.

Kinda like the difference between skinny frail looking marathon runner and looking and solid like a sprinter.

Fat hanging off your arms like wings? Then get my FREE e-book entitled Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success and learn elite body builders secrets to lose body fat [http://www.ImproveMetabolism.com] and build lean muscle in the fastest way possible. Visit: [http://www.ImproveMetabolism.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Cassell

Natural Ways to Lose Stomach Fat - Drink Aloe Vera Juice - Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

To loose body fat or loose belly fat, you have to watch what you eat. For rapid belly fat loss, the kind of caloric intake is essential. You don't expect to eat high fat foods and lose the fat. You should be eating a minimum of 1 gram of protein per body weight pound. This means that if you are 150 pounds in weight, you should be eating about 150 grams of protein each day. For complex carbohydrates, you would need a minimum of 2 grams per body weight pound. This will limit your body fat to up to 20% of your intake of calories.

Here are some examples of food to include in your daily diet:

1 Scoop Whey Protein
6 Servings Egg White
3 ounces Turkey Breast
4 ounces Tuna
2 ounce Salmon
2 ounce Sardines
1 ounce Almonds
2 ounce Sirloin Steak
3 ounce Chicken Breast

Natural Ways to Loose Stomach Fat

Cut out the processed foods and stick to raw vegetables and lot of freshly made fruit juice. Aloe Vera Juice is one of the best ways to lower body fat in less time because it attacks the digestive system to make your foods more easily digestible. It also detoxifies your body to get rid of the acidity in your body.

The body is naturally acidic and the foods that you eat add more acid to the body. You want to eat increase the PH (alkaline) balance in your body and Aloe Vera Juice is the perfect natural method to do so.

Get the Aloe Vera Plant and scrape one of its pups with a knife or cut it up in small pieces and blend it into a gel. Mix it with egg white, and a little lime juice as well as honey. Drink that once or twice per day and you will lose belly fat. However, you have to cut out the other nonessential foods from your diet that have trans fat and too much sugar.

Aloe Vera Juice increases your metabolism because of the properties included in it. It strengthens the immune system and gives you more energy. Its natural properties are safe. Get one of those exercise balls and do some sit ups each day. It does not have to be too many and when you do these sit ups using the ball, it prevents any back pain and it makes it more fun for you to do. You can even get away with just three times per week. I find that this really helps.

Here are some Alkaline Foods to add to your diet and Acid Foods to stay away from:

Alkaline Vegetables: Red Cabbage, Spinach, Green Beens, Asparagus, Carrots, Leeks, Turnip, Beetroot, Garlic, Celery, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels, Peas, Onion and more

Alkaline Fruits: Lemon, Avacoda, Grapefruit, Watermelon and Tomato

Stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy nuts and oils. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 litres of clean, pure water daily. Flax, Sesame and Sunflower seeds are great alkaline foods.

Stay away from diary, foods that are fatty, milk and cheese.

If you want to experience the immediate Medicinal Uses of Aloe Vera Juice [http://squidoo.com/aloe-vera-juice-benefit] and Aloe Vera Juice Benefits, then Aloe Vera Juice may be a good choice. To Loose Belly Fat Fast Download to Lose Body Fat here to get the full details.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Banks

4 Foods That Cause Belly Fat

Do you hate belly fat? Here are four foods that cause the fat:

Fatty foods

All foods that have fat will cause you to have belly fat. Some of these foods are red, meat, cream and butter. In addition to giving you a fat belly these foods contain a lot of saturated fats which are a major contributor of heart and artery-related diseases.

Fried foods such as chips, corn dogs, and fried chicken contain plenty of fat and empty calories. Since the fried foods are usually coated in floury confections, they deliver a double dose of sugar and fat which are the primary drivers of a fat belly.

If you need to avoid or reduce fat in the belly you need to avoid taking these foods. As an alternative you should take fruits, broiled dish, and vegetables. When it comes to vegetables you should avoid French fried vegetables.

Sugary foods

I bet you knew this. The unfortunate thing with sugar is that it takes a direct route between the mouth and the belly. While there is some sugar that is used for energy for immediate use, there is some that is stored in your body as fat.

Some of the sugary foods that are the main culprits of causing belly fat are: sodas, pastries, and candy. If possible you should replace the sugary foods with other alternatives such as vegetables and white meat.

Salty foods

Sodium brings about belly fat by bringing about digestion of other foods which are converted to fat that is deposited in the belly area. In addition to this, high salty foods have been shown to cause bloating.

To avoid belly fat brought about by salt you should avoid salty foods. You should consider taking lower salt alternatives such as fruits and vegetables. You should also make it a habit to drink plenty of water after taking sodium-rich foods.

If you are taking packaged foods, always check the levels of sodium in the foods. Always remember that you should not take more than 1,000mg of sodium every day.


Hey, beer lovers. If you want to reduce belly fat you need to avoid your beloved bottle. Alcohol not only contains a lot of calories that are converted to fat, but it also contains plenty of sugar that ends up as fat.


These are some of the foods that cause belly fat. Avoid them and you will have a body of an athlete, okay?

We have plenty of information on the foods that cause belly fat. We also have the best information on the best natural fat-burning foods that you should take.. On our website you will also find plenty of expert tips on how to lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Duncan_Lancer

Top 7 Belly Fat Burning Foods to Lose Tummy Fat and Get Flat Abs

In this article, I want to share 7 top belly fat burning foods to help you get flat abs. I believe that if you incorporate these foods in your diet that you will find it much easier to lose weight. If you don't you may get less than optimal results.

It is simply a fact that what you eat is the most importan factor in how fast and efficiently you lose fat and weight. This should be your main focus.

Here are the 7 belly fat burning foods you should include in your diet:

1. Eggs - This superfood is a top source of protein and a host of other goodies. Protein helps to build muscle tissue and boost metabolism and can also help to make you feel full for longer and so is a good appetites suppressant. Whole eggs are fine as the yolk has many nutrients you can use.

2. Oatmeal - Rich in fiber this often underrated food helps to keep you full, improve your digestive process, provides a source of good energy and helps you to maintain the necessary calorie deficit to lose weight.

3. Broccoli - This is a nutrient packed vegatable and actually helps to burn off belly fat because it contains phytonutrients. These are elements that help to fight xenoestrogens, chemicals which are common in our food supply that induce more abdominal fat storage. By eating broccoli, you reduce the effect of xenoestrogens on your body.

4. Almonds and nuts - These are sources of protein and lots of healthy fats. You need healthy fats to function properly and to lose belly fat, so these foods are an essential and excellent addition to your regular meals.

5. Low fat dairy - While these foods do not actually induce more fat burning (although they are rich in protein), research shows that a greater consumption of dairy helps your body to get rid of fat through its secretions. This can amount to a few pounds a year so it's worth noting.

6. Garlic - While this food may not be the best food to eat before a big date, it is considered very healthy. Garlic contains allicin, an element with multiple health benefits which is also said to fight off fats in your body.

7. Tuna - Another rich source of protein and healthy fats for greater metabolism and more rapid fat burning.

Eat these belly fat burning foods regularly and you will see faster results.

For more killer fat burning food visit 5 Foods To Fight Abdominal Fat [http://truthaboutgreatabs.com]

For the best way to shed belly fat visit TruthAboutAbs Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an affiliate of Mike Geary and an author. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Easy Steps to Fix Your Diet to Accelerate Your Fat Loss

Many new diets appear over the internet, radio, magazines, and TV on a daily basis. These diets promise quick results with very little effort from the dieter. Most of us have been in one form of a diet at one stage of our life. Although some people lose weight on these diets, in many cases, the results are short-lived. Some of the effects of these diets are:

• They cause changes in your metabolic system

• Some people gain their weight back and also add some extra weight

• The design of these diets make you lose water instead of fat

• They do not assist you in changing your food habits, and

• Many people continue to crave for unhealthy foods, which makes it easier for them to go back to their bad eating habits.

Where do we start to fix our diet?

Most people think that the word diet refers to some fixed regime that must be followed religiously for a specific period of time. A simple definition of diet is 'what you eat on a daily basis'.

Tip 1: Making Healthy food choices should be your priority

Ask yourself, why do I want to eat healthy or change my eating habits? Once you have an answer, it is time to change one habit at a time. Taking baby steps will assist you in developing permanent good habits that will assist with your fat loss for a very long time. For example, you may want to start by reducing sugar intake in tea or changing from margarine to butter. Stick to one habit at a time until it becomes part of your healthy eating. This will take time for you to realize the desired results but it will create the ever-lasting good food habits.

Tip 2: Enjoy your food

The preparation methods and the ingredients you use to prepare food can contribute on whether you enjoy your healthy foods or not. Many people always complain that healthy foods do not have good taste. Use fresh ingredients and fresh herbs to make your food tasty. Adding spices and fresh herbs into existing recipes will make food more palatable and enjoyable. Do not be afraid to change your recipes according to your taste. Your taste buds will soon get used to the new healthy taste.

Remember that the quality and quantity of food you consume matters in your plan to lose weight and improve health.

G.T Taylor in a scientist with 20 years experience in nutrition. Remember that fixing your diet shouldn't be too hard. It requires determination and following through the plan. for more information click on this website: http://www.nutritionanddietmakeover.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=GT_Taylor

5 Steps For An Effective Fat Loss Workout Program

If you want to lose weight, sooner or later you are going to need to start a fat loss workout program. This does not mean that you need to be spending hours in the gym everyday, but you should plan on exercising regularly. These 5 tips will help you to face your fat loss workout positively.

1. Begin Slowly.

You will need to start your fat loss training program slowly. If you make it too tough at the outset you may strain a muscle not able to exercise for a couple of days or even weeks. Your body will need time to get used to the extra exercise. Get started with a slow and gradual pace and then increase the intensity as you become comfortable with your new regime.

2. Weight Training.

An effective fat loss workout will need to include an element of resistance training, or weight training. Your body will create muscle when you workout with weights and because muscles help to burn calories and fat, the more muscle mass you have the better. If you are working out with weights 2 to 3 times a week you can reach your weight loss goal much faster. If you don't have access to weights, use cans or water bottles.

3. Cardiovascular Exercise.

Most fat loss training programs include some type of cardiovascular exercise. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it up can be considered cardio exercise like cycling, running, walking or swimming. In addition to increasing your heart rate, it also conditions your lungs, and burns fat. To get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, use interval training where you swap between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

4. Don't Want To Go To the Gym? No Problem!

There are many good ways to exercise at home to stay fit and healthy if you don't want to go to the gym. There are some great pieces of equipment that provide good ways to exercise at home that do not cost the earth to buy. Simple things like free weights, an exercise ball, resistance bands and a yoga mat are generally low cost and you can often pick up second hand exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and treadmills in your local classified ads or car-boot sales.

5. Be Regular And Be Patient.

Just doing one fat loss workout is not going suddenly make the excess weight drop off. Successful weight loss requires regular exercise and a healthy diet. You need to burn more calories that you consume and combining regular exercise with a healthy diet plan will give you weight loss success. But it will take time. Remember it took years to gain all that fat and it could take a year or more to lose it all. With determination, focus and motivation you will succeed.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE eBook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

Best Homemade Diet to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Days - Secrets Revealed to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Days Guaranteed

Are you looking for working homemade diet to lose 10 pounds in 2 days? Yes, it is very possible to lose 10 pounds in just 2 days following 5 simple tips. I know you actually want to lose your weight without having excessive exercises and without changing your daily diet. Here is your fast, effective and healthier home made diet plan to burn that extra fat of yours.

1) Increase the temperature of your body in your morning shower: Now you might be thinking what is this for and how it will help me reduce my fat. But wait, I just suggest you to take your normal shower in the morning and then pour very cold water on all over your body. This is a great method to trick your body to increase your inner temperature which results in your fat loss. Because of the cold water, your body starts to gather heat to maintain the inner temperature and this burns your extra fat.

2) Eat homemade soups and salads just before your meal: Eating any homemade soups and salads just before your meal or dinner helps your body to gather less bad calories and replace them with good calories intake. But remember one thing that salads should be made up of only virgin olive oil or organic apple cider vinegar or simply a lemon juice.

3) Include lentils in your daily diet: Lentils are having a high nutritional value. They contain good portion of fibers and proteins. These lentils reduce great amount of your inner fats and they are very cheap too. Only 2 servings of lentils every day will keep your body stronger and your overall metabolism and digestion process will be improved a lot.

4) Eat apples, grapefruits and blueberries daily: You can eat any of these 3 fruits every day to keep your body energetic and fresh all the day.

5) Start some basic yoga and aerobic exercise: I know it will be hard for you to start these exercises right from the day one. But believe me as you go along with these exercises regularly every day, you will feel the fresh air inside your body and will help your body to burn significant amount of fats quickly and easily. Only thing I want to point out here is that whatever yoga and aerobic exercise you want to start with; just consult first with your family doctor.

These are just a few of my techniques and methods which helped me to lose my 10 pounds of weight in few days of time.

If you are really getting tired and irritated by the same old boring and ineffective weight loss advice on homemade diet to lose 10 pounds in 2 days then you have come to the right place, at right time and at right person. I will really make weight loss an easy and unforgettable experience for you.
Just click the following link to get my secret Homemade Diet To Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Days time. http://www.squidoo.com/Homemade-Diet-To-Lose-10-Pounds-In-2-Days

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vishal_Mahadik

The Diet Solution Program Review: Lose Weight and Maintain It

To remain fit and healthy, one must lose weight in a healthy way. Losing weight is not an easy task doing on your own without any guidance. There are many programs out there for you to choose from. One of the most popular programs today is the Diet Solution Program which allows you to avoid crashing diet and eats the nutritious diet without starving yourself.

The Diet Solution Program was created by Isabel de los Rios who is an exercise strategist and a nutritionist. With years of experience being a professional nutritionist and exercise strategist, Isabel, has finally succeeded in formulating this magnificent Diet Solution Program. She not only assists her diabetic mother with her regimen plan to get her back to healthy living but she also has helped thousands of people lose weight and maintain their weight in a healthy way.

The nutritionally balanced Diet Solution Program contains all the important nutrients, which are required by our body. You are thought which type of foods are good for your body and which ones are fat burning foods that help you satisfy your hungry and shed off lots of pounds in the process.

You will be advised which carbohydrate is good or bad for you. You don't need to quit the use of carbohydrates to lose weight, which means your energy level would be at maximum even after losing weight and there wouldn't be any signs of weakness.

The Diet Solution Program emphasizes on daily nutritionally balanced meals. It doesn't promote any other kind of pills or supplement to aid this program. All you need to do is quit intake of excessive sugars and bad fats. The diet solution program itself is a complete diet plan and doesn't appreciate use of any other diet pill.

The program accelerates your metabolic rate and helps you maintain balanced diet. What you don't need in your body is excessive fats and this solution helps you burn your excessive fats, that you have wanted to remove for so long. Your fats burns even when you are asleep. In other words this solution works like a catalyst in your body to speed up the process of metabolism.

This marvelous solution program helps you start a new lifestyle based on your desired health and figure. Instead of learning from your mistakes it's a good habit to learn from others. So by taking crux of experience and knowledge of Isabel under consideration, you may get your desired health within days.

Here are few suggestions for the people ambitious for The Diet Solution Program. Along with the use of this solution all you need to do is spend some time and energy in cooking delicious food for yourself and stick to the plan till you achieve your goal.

For more in depth information, check out The Diet Solution Program at LosingWeightHelp.com today. Find out more about fat burning foods which helps you to lose weight faster.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=W_Q_Stevens

Can You Lose Weight Overnight? A Trick I Learned To Burn The Fat

Are you looking for ways to lose weight overnight? Is there a secret method that can help you burn fat while you sleep? Millions of Americans each year resolve to lose fat and to lose it fast. You might have seen some magic pills out there that promise to help you lose weight overnight but none of those actually work. However, there are some tips and tricks that if you followed, you can supercharge your efforts and start seeing results faster than you ever thought possible. After you lose the fat, you will feel confident about yourself and actually want to look at yourself in the mirror.

It wasn't so long ago that I was overweight myself and looked for solutions to lose weight overnight. I was always a little bit stocky growing up but after taking on a new job where I had to work long hours and had little time for exercise, I started packing on the pounds , especially in my belly area. I simply let myself go and stopped caring for myself. I blamed it on lack of time. I gained fat little by little so I didn't notice the gradual change. But when a friend I hadn't seen in a while flew in to visit me, his surprise at my heavier look was my wake up call. I resolved then to become healthier and looked for solutions to lose weight overnight.

I hit the gym and started cutting back on my calories, but in the end, nothing produced lasting results and I almost gave up until I discovered a unique trick that made the process twice as easy. First, I think the biggest factor it comes down to is desire. Ask yourself how badly do you want it. And if you want it badly enough, you've already won half the battle. It may not be practical to lose weight overnight but if you desire it enough and follow the simple techniques that work, you will be successful.

It's not realistic to lose weight overnight, but you can lose it fast if you know this unique trick I discovered.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Garrett_Heatherly

5 Tips for Success on the Ketogenic Diet

Although nowhere near as popular as they were in the 90's when the Atkins diet was seemingly omnipresent, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets are still very highly regarded in many circles as effective, maintainable weight loss diets. Below are a few tips to maximize your success on a ketogenic diet.

1.) Drink tons of water.

While on a ketogenic diet, your body has a hard time retaining as much water as it needs, so staying properly hydrated is absolutely essential. Many experts recommend that men intake a minimum of 3 liters of beverages each day, while the figure for women is 2.2 liters daily. A good indicator of proper hydration is the color of your urine. If your urine is clear or light yellow, you're most likely properly hydrated. Keep a bottle of water with you everywhere you go!

2.) Don't forget the fat!

Simply put, our bodies need fuel to function. When we limit our carbohydrate intake, especially to levels that induce ketosis, our bodies need an alternate fuel source. Since protein is not an efficient source of energy, our bodies turn to fat. Any fat you eat while in ketosis is used for energy, making it very difficult to store fat while in ketosis. Choose healthy, unsaturated fats as often as possible: foods like avocados, olives, nuts, and seeds are ideal.

3.) Find your carb limit.

All of our bodies are different. Some dieters will need to adhere to a strict low-carbohydrate diet that entails consuming less than 20 grams per day of carbs. Other dieters will find that they can comfortably stay in ketosis while consuming 50, 75, or 100 grams of carbohydrates. The only way to know for sure is trial and error. Purchase Ketostix or any brand of ketone urinalysis strips and find out your carbohydrate limit. If you find that you have a bit of wiggle room, it will make sticking to your diet that much easier.

4.) Be smart about liquor.

One of the great aspects of the ketogenic diet is that you can drink liquor while on it without throwing your weight loss too far off course. You can drink unsweetened liquors like vodka, rum, tequila, gin, whiskey, scotch, cognac, and brandy, along with the occasional low-carb beer. Use low-carb mixers and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as hangovers are notoriously bad while in ketosis. And remember, calories still count, so don't go overboard. All things in moderation.

5.) Be patient.

While the ketogenic diet is known for rapid weight loss, especially in the early stages of the diet, weight loss is always a slow, time-consuming process. Don't freak out if the scale doesn't show weight loss, or shows slight weight increases, for a few days. Your weight varies day-to-day (and throughout the day) based upon a number of factors. Don't forget to use metrics like how your clothes fit or body measurements to see progress beyond what the scale shows.

For more great information, tips, and advice about the ketogenic diet, check out TheKetogenicDiet.org.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_Mangia

Keto Dieting? Here Are 10 Foods You Must Have In Your Kitchen

The ketogenic diet is a very successful weight-loss program. It utilizes high fat and low carbohydrate ingredients in order to burn fat instead of glucose. Many people are familiar with the Atkins diet, but the keto plan restricts carbs even more.

Because we are surrounded by fast food restaurants and processed meals, it can be a challenge to avoid carb-rich foods, but proper planning can help.

Plan menus and snacks at least a week ahead of time, so you aren't caught with only high carb meal choices. Research keto recipes online; there are quite a few good ones to choose from. Immerse yourself in the keto lifestyle, find your favorite recipes, and stick with them.

There are a few items that are staples of a keto diet. Be sure to have these items on hand:

Eggs - Used in omelets, quiches (yes, heavy cream is legal on keto!), hard boiled as a snack, low carb pizza crust, and more; if you like eggs, you have a great chance of success on this diet
Bacon - Do I need a reason? breakfast, salad garnish, burger topper, BLT's (no bread of course; try a BLT in a bowl, tossed in mayo)
Cream cheese - Dozens of recipes, pizza crusts, main dishes, desserts
Shredded cheese - Sprinkle over taco meat in a bowl, made into tortilla chips in the microwave, salad toppers, low-carb pizza and enchiladas
Lots of romaine and spinach - Fill up on the green veggies; have plenty on hand for a quick salad when hunger pangs hit
EZ-Sweetz liquid sweetener - Use a couple of drops in place of sugar; this artificial sweetener is the most natural and easiest to use that I've found
Cauliflower - Fresh or frozen bags you can eat this low-carb veggie by itself, tossed in olive oil and baked, mashed in fake potatoes, chopped/shredded and used in place of rice under main dishes, in low-carb and keto pizza crusts, and much more
Frozen chicken tenders - Have a large bag on hand; thaw quickly and grill, saute, mix with veggies and top with garlic sauce in a low carb flatbread, use in Chicken piccata, chicken alfredo, tacos, enchiladas, Indian Butter chicken, and more
Ground beef - Make a big burger and top with all sorts of things from cheese, to sauteed mushrooms, to grilled onions... or crumble and cook with taco seasoning and use in provolone cheese taco shells; throw in a dish with lettuce, avocado, cheese, sour cream for a tortilla-less taco salad
Almonds (plain or flavored) - these are a tasty and healthy snack; however, be sure to count them as you eat, because the carbs DO add up. Flavors include habanero, coconut, salt and vinegar and more.

The keto plan is a versatile and interesting way to lose weight, with lots of delicious food choices. Keep these 10 items stocked in your fridge, freezer, and larder, and you'll be ready to throw together some delicious keto meals and snacks at a moment's notice.

The ketogenic diet is a healthy option for anyone who wants to lose weight. Visit the Healthy Keto website, a valuable resource where keto dieters can access meal ideas and keto diet facts.

For plenty of delicious keto and low-carb recipes, keto snack ideas, resources, and advice, visit the healthyketo.com website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katherine_Palmer

Low-Carb and Keto Diet Fast Food Menu Choices: How to Eat Successfully at Restaurants

For those who eat low-carb or keto diets, there is almost always something you can eat in every fast food place or restaurant. Plan ahead. Before entering a restaurant, check out their menu and nutrition information online at home or using your smart phone. It's always good to know the safe options before being tempted by menu items you shouldn't have on a low-carb diet.

In order to make it easier to find a quick keto-friendly option, I've compiled a list of several restaurants and fast food places and those items that I've found to be the lowest carb (and most emotionally satisfying) choices. These are not all perfect options, but when you're stuck with no other choices due to time or location constraints, they'll do in a pinch.

It's a huge help that fast-food places are required to post nutritional content. It gets easier to follow the keto plan every day. The carb count I'm listing is approximate and is NET grams.

In general, there is usually some salad option anywhere you are. At Burger joints, just remove the bun, and many places offer lettuce wraps instead. Chicken shouldn't have breading.

As a side note, it helps to have a knife and fork handy in your car or purse. Big, juicy burgers in tiny pieces of lettuce end up on the table - or in your lap. Small, flimsy fastfood plasticware also makes for difficult eating. Pull out your own sturdy utensils and enjoy!

Now for the food choices... here are some pretty obvious general rules to follow:

Skip the bun or wrap
Skip the pasta, potato, or rice
Salads - no croutons. Stick with low sugar dressing options - Caesar, Blue Cheese, Ranch, Chipotle. Look at the name which may give you a clue, things like "honey" in the honey dijon or "sweet" in the dressing name - these are usually not a good choice. Check the ingredient for items that are higher in carb content.
Chicken - Choose grilled or sauteed. Stay away from any chicken that is breaded.

McDonald's - opt for any burger (zero g) or grilled chicken (2 g) without the bun and topped with cheese, mayo, mustard, onions, etc. No ketchup. Add a side salad (3g). The Caesar salad with grilled chicken or the bacon ranch salad with grilled chicken are 9g.

Burger King - same burger info as McDonald's: burger (zero g) without the bun and topped with cheese, mayo, mustard, onions, etc. No ketchup. The tendergrill chicken sandwich without the bun is 3g. BEWARE - you might think the veggie burger is low, but it is 19g of carbs, so that's about a full day of carbs on keto. Add a side salad (3g). The tendergrill chicken garden salad is 8g without dressing or croutons. The tendercrisp chicken salad is not an option. Do not attempt.

BONUS - dessert!?! - the fresh apple fries are not fried and are 5g net carbs WITHOUT caramel sauce.

Subway - Probably should skip Subway if you can. The buns and wraps are all high in carbs. I guess you could just have them throw the ingredients in a wrapper sans bun, but that doesn't sound appealing. I have no info on what the carb count would be for each bunless sub, but you can probably figure it out - chicken or pepperoni is fine, but is "sweet onion" chicken okay? No idea. Stick to the salads, but realize you'll only get iceberg lettuce (4g).

Carl's Junior and Hardees - This chain offers "lettuce wraps" - your burger wrapped in a large piece of lettuce for easy low carb eating. (As I've said, I tried it and don't love it. I like to carry my own fork instead.) Bunless options - Six dollar burger (7g), 1/2 thick-burger (5g), charbroiled chicken club sandwich (7g/10g at Hardees). Grilled chicken salad without croutons is 10g. Side salad is 3g.

Jimmy John's - The unwich - a sandwich wrapped in lettuce - fits the bill here. Meats are fine, just make sure the ingredients are not carb-rich.

Wendy's - Again, you can get your burger in a lettuce wrap or a box. Any burger with toppings. Mayo has corn syrup, and is 1g. The chicken grill fillet is 1 g. It can be ordered in the chicken club sandwich or the ultimate chicken grill sandwich. Best salads: chicken caesar (7g), blt chicken salad with grilled chicken. Side salads aer 6g or 2g for Caesar.

Pizza Hut and other pizza places - It is possible to get used to eating pizza with no crust. You need to eat twice as much, but if there's a party or dinner out that you can't avoid at a pizza place, just slide the cheesy toppings off and eat the big messy pile of cheese and toppings. A side salad is a nice addition. Otherwise, just opt for making pizza at home with a low-carb crust.

Mongolian Barbecue - YES! Load up your bowl with chicken, shrimp, onion slices, and mushrooms, then top with the Asian black bean sauce. I know beans have carbs, but this sauce label says 1 gram of carbs per ounce (each sauce is plainly labeled). Add a bit of garlic and wait for the griller to do his work. It goes without saying that you skip the appetizers, tortillas, and rice. Ask the wait staff not to bring them to the table.

Italian Restaurants - These take a little cunning, but they can be conqurerd! Ideas: how about chicken Marsala in an Italian place? Make sure it doesn't come with pasta. Substitute broccoli or some other keto-friendly side dish - or a big salad. Chicken piccata is also a possibility.

Mexican and Chinese restaurants are the most difficult, because any low carb option is not the reason to go to the restaurant in the first place. At a Mexican restaurant, I tend to get a large burrito with no beans and spread the soft tortilla out like a plate. Eat the inner ingredients and toss the tortilla.

If you MUST go to a Chinese buffet (I attended a funeral dinner at one), you can find options, but they probably aren't going to be your favorite General Tso's. How about the salad bar choices? eggs? the insides of eggrolls, and I even ate the insides only of crab rangoons. Unfortunately, these ideas leave quite a pile of discarded shells and deep fried exterior pieces on your plate and makes it look like you really waste food.

Wings anywhere - Standard buffalo sauce is usually OK as well as garlic Parmesan

Convenience stores can be a good option, too! 7-11 has packs of hard boiled eggs, cheese slabs, slim jims, almonds, and pork rinds. Pork rinds come in a barbecue flavor and they're ZERO carbs.

Remember, whatever you choose, hold the bread, potatoes, rice, noodles, fries, and tortillas. And watch out for the possibility of corn starch, bread crumbs, and other fillers. With proper planning and a good attitude, you can find healthy keto and low-carb options when dining out, and stick to your successful keto diet plan.

The ketogenic diet is a healthy option for anyone who wants to lose weight. Visit the Healthy Keto website, a valuable resource where keto dieters can access meal ideas and keto diet facts.

For plenty of delicious keto and low-carb recipes, keto snack ideas, resources, and advice, visit the healthyketo.com website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katherine_Palmer

Vegetarian Diet Chart For Your Weight Loss Plan

If you like to experiment with your eating habits, then you can try out a pure vegetarian diet for your weigh loss program. Research says that in general vegetarian food is healthier than non vegetarian food. It also says that human digestive system is naturally designed for eating vegetarian food. Lot of people are turning vegetarians every year, so if you would like to try the vegetarian diet for your weight loss program, you can consider the following vegetarian diet chart for your weight loss plan:

1. Try to wake up before sunrise. Drink 2 glasses of water. If you are not able drink that much water in the first day, then drink as much as you can, and slowly try to increase it to 2 glasses every morning.
2. Go for a morning walk or jogging for at least 30 minutes every morning. Do not eat anything before going to jogging. After you return back, have juice of any fruit that you like. Try to avoid sugar as much as you can. Fruits have natural sweetness in them.
3. In breakfast, have bread or toast with butter or have two 'idlis' (a round shape Indian dish, made up of rice) with 'sambhar' (a type of vegetable soup)
4. In lunch have 3 medium sized chapattis, a cup of boiled rice with curry, and one green vegetable. You can also have salad in which you can add fruits and vegetables of your choice. The food should have minimum oil and spice.
5. at evening, you can have milk, tea, coffee or any other beverage with a couple of toasts or biscuits.
6. At dinner, either have chapattis or rice with any of your favorite vegetables or 'dal'. Eat of lot of vegetable salad and includes green and leafy vegetables in it.

If you would like to alter this diet then there are lots of healthy and tasty vegetarian recipes to select from. You can always goggle for new recipes; sites like YouTube would be helpful as well. Try to follow a strict vegetarian diet for 3 months, and with proper and regular workout, you will see a definite change in yourself, both in weight as well as in your health.

Live a Long and Healthy Life by Following a Simple Ancient Natural Water Therapy


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robin_Verma

Best Diet Plan for 7 Days Weight Loss

Many people dealing with weight issues want to lose weight fast. The secret is to avoid starvation and instead eat meals that are well structured to manage fat storage and burning simultaneously. A well-structured 7 day diet plan can assure positive results if followed religiously.

Breakfast Options

Egg whites scrambled in olive oil, basil, parmesan and cherry tomatoes are healthy. You can combine it with whole-grain toast, blueberries and skimmed milk.
You can also go for old-fashioned oatmeal in water, skimmed milk, 2 country-style turkey sausages and a cup of blueberries.
You can eat an omelet made of egg whites, a whole egg, broccoli with refried beans, diced onion, mushrooms and salsa. Add Quesadilla made of corn tortilla and low-fat jack cheese. Diced watermelon will complete the breakfast.
Another healthy breakfast option is whole grain English muffins with almond or peanut butter and sugar-free fruit spread together with wedge honeydew, skimmed milk and 2 slices of Canadian bacon.

Before Lunch Snacks

Small snacks before lunch prevent overeating and hence are often recommended to those on a weight loss diet. Following are some snacks you can nibble on before lunch.

Fat free Greek yoghurt with sliced strawberry topping.
Fat free ricotta cheese with raspberries and chopped pecans.
Fat free vanilla yoghurt with sliced apple and chopped walnuts.
Yoghurt parfait made using low-fat vanilla yoghurt, sliced strawberries and low-fat granola.

Lunch Options

A Salad made of cooked bulgur, grilled chopped chicken breast, low-fat cheddar shredded, grilled diced veggies, onion, diced zucchini, bell pepper, chopped cilantro and low-fat vinaigrette.
A Salad made of water-packed tuna, chopped romaine lettuce, sliced bell pepper, green onions topped with low-fat Italian dressing.
A Salad made with chopped romaine, grilled chicken, chopped celery, diced mushrooms, shredded low-fat cheddar and low-fat Caesar dressing. It can be taken with medium nectarine and skimmed milk.
A Wrap made of thin sliced roast beef, whole wheat tortilla, shredded lettuce, tomato slices, horseradish and Dijon mustard. It can go with lentils or pinto beans, basil and light Caesar dressing.

After lunch snacks

6 baby carrots and 2 table spoons hummus
Half cup fat-free cottage cheese with salsa
Fat-free mozzarella cheese stick string and medium-sized orange
Baked corn chips with guacamole

Dinner Options

The first option in the list includes grilled salmon, wild rice with slivered toasted almonds, wilted baby spinach with olive oil, vinegar, balsamic and grated parmesan. You can add a cantaloupe topped with raspberry sorbet and chopped walnuts
Another healthy dinner meal includes a turkey burger, roasted broccoli and cauliflower florets, brown rice, spinach salad with light balsamic vinaigrette
Shrimp grilled with olive oil, chopped garlic and steamed medium artichoke makes a light dinner meal. You can also eat whole wheat couscous with diced bell pepper, garbanzo beans, fresh cilantro and fat-free dressing of honey mustard
And finally, a Salad made of arugula, cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinaigrette, warmed unsweetened apple sauce with fat-free vanilla yoghurt, dash cinnamon and chopped pecans

These are some of the best diet plans for fast weight loss within seven days. Other food groupings can be tried too to make meals interesting and healthy.

How would your life be if you were sexy and fit? Would you be happier if you could at least 5 pounds in a week? If you take action now, and click the link below, you can learn for FREE how to easily do it!

This video below will teach you exactly how to lose weight fast - and lose 5 pounds in a week. So, be sure to watch it all the way to the end because it shares the exact diet and exercise routine to follow over the next 7 days, and it is all for FREE! Watch it here:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-nsFre6PXI/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Jameson

Weight Loss Diet Plans or Diet Fads?

In this article I am going to share some information to clarify if you should be on a diet plan or is it just a fad? The weight loss industry would have us popping pills each day, drinking expensive protein shakes and buying expensive exercise equipment. So there is a lot at stake when it comes to influencing you on HOW you should lose weight.

I have been on and off many of these diets. Some have worked but soon after I finished, of course, I returned to my usual eating habits.

You see losing the weight isn't really the issue, keeping it off is!

So I am here to show you that you do not need to spend a tonne of money only to find yourself back at square one. Which I can almost hear you nodding your head as you read this. But what is the answer to real success to lose weight and keep it off?

You see you do not need to go on a diet which is 'low carb' or 'protein rich' or 'low fat' as you simply won't stick to it for life. I'll try to keep it simple. Ultimately you need a lifestyle eating habit which will help you lose that stubborn belly flat to discover the abs you already have.

The best tip I can give you is to choose foods with the least amount of processing. Selecting foods which as close to their natural state as possible as this will have the most amount of nutrients and therefore they are better for you.

Consider the following:

Quality Protein - now if you have been following my articles by now you would realise that I recommend you select quality protein for your diet. The benefits of eating protein are that they take longer for your digestive system to process so you will feel satisfied for longer and they are great for building and maintaining lean muscle mass.

Fibre - foods which are high in fibre include fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains. They are a great natural substitute for your carbohydrate intake. Fibre keeps our bowel system in check and helps to reduce bloating. One of the main reasons why people struggle with body fat is due to the amount of refined sugars in their diet. Low fat products often contain higher levels of sugar so start reading those food labels. Aim for 6gm per 100gm serving of sugar as a good indicator on food labels. Fibre will help you to feel satisfied and also slows down the body's glycaemia response to the foods you eat.

Healthy Fats - Yes you heard me! You can eat healthy fats. In fact, many nutritionists highly recommend it when you are planning a lifestyle diet as it will ensure you keep your cravings in check so you don't feel deprived. There are many good healthy fats which you can include daily in your diet. Try nuts, seeds, avocado, eggs, coconuts, olive oils and of course organic meats where possible.

Two Foods To Avoid - these have been covered by me in-depth elsewhere but briefly I will share the top two foods to avoid: Artificial Trans Fats (found in many processed foods) and High Fructose Corn Syrup (found in most sweetened products).

By establishing a lifestyle eating plan, which minimising processed foods, then you will by default avoid these two foods I recommend you avoid.

If you can take these tips and incorporate them into the foods you eat then you will start to control your blood sugar levels, appetite and hormone levels as well as so much more.

Soon you will start to see those six pack abs just sitting there behind that belly fat!

Are you tired of eating boring foods which don't satisfy you and revert to poor eating habits? Then discover more ways to lose weight at:


By Leanne Young

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leanne_K_Young

Get A Flat Stomach In 3 Days!

A flat stomach in 3 days? That's a big claim. But quite achievable if the reason your stomach isn't flat is because you suffer from bloating. How to get a flat stomach is one of the most common questions that many women are searching for an answer to. Why? Because whatever size you are a flat stomach makes you look slimmer. Your bum may be big, your hips may be wide but a flat stomach somehow seems to balance everything up giving you a leaner appearance.

Okay then. So how do I get a flat stomach, I hear you ask? Well the first thing is to stand tall. You may be only 5ft nothing but by straightening your back, tucking your tummy in gently and holding your head up high you will instantly look taller and slimmer. Next you need to consider your diet. Carrying too much excess body fat is not the way to get a flat stomach. Now before you curse and say 'here we go again, another diet' just think for a moment about this. If you are gaining weight it's because you are eating more than your body is burning up. Simple as that. Unless of course you have a genuine medical condition which only a doctor can advise on. However for most people the plain truth is you need to either eat a little less or do a little more.

Small changes can make a huge difference. Try walking instead of taking the car everywhere. Eat one less biscuit or slice of bread, drink one less beer or creamy coffee. Don't starve or deprive yourself. Just cut back on your daily consumption and get your body moving a little more. Losing overall body fat will go a long way towards helping you get a flat stomach.

Finally you need to work out if you are suffering from bloating. Food intolerance is a common problem these days and may be preventing you from getting that flat stomach. However by following the right elimination diet and removing food and ingredients you are sensitive to you can get a flat stomach in as little as 3 days. What's more, once you isolate the foods causing you the problem your stomach will stay flat as long as you continue to avoid those foods. Elimination diets such as The Flat Stomach Diet are easy to follow and proven to give results by removing just one single ingredient from the diet.

If you would like to reprint this article you may do so provided the text remains unchanged and you include the "Author Bio" statement below:

Elizabeth Hartley is the author and creator of The Flat Stomach Diet. This diet plan is the result of many years of research after consultation with doctors and professional nutritionists in an effort to discover the causes of painful abdominal cramps and bloating. The findings are based on personal experience after undergoing numerous medical tests and procedures and failing to find any other alternative long term solution. Details of The Flat Stomach Diet can be found at http://www.flatstomachplan.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Hartley

How to Get a Flat Stomach at Home

Almost everybody believes that in order to have a healthy mind, one should have a healthy body. There are a lot of ways of keeping a healthy body. Some of these include maintaining a healthy diet and doing regular exercises. For most people, doing regular exercises do not only assure them of a healthy bodies, but is also a guarantee that they physically look good. It cannot be denied that one would want to look good and attractive for self confidence, and high self morale among other reasons. However, finding the appropriate exercises and the time to do it seem quiet difficult for some people, so much so that they have given up the idea of doing some exercises.

This should not be the case, because there are really a lot of exercises that can be done while at work or at home. These are simple exercises that do not even appear like exercises at all that would help you to achieve the figure and physique that you have always dreamt about. There are a number of programs on how to get a flat stomach at home. The stomach is probably one of the greatest areas of concern, because it is the area which easily gets filled up with unwanted and excess fats. As one would wonder on how to get a flat stomach at home, here are a few helpful tips that might actually work for you. These are exercises that can actually be integrated in the household chores.

Proper breathing while cooking. Not everyone knows that the key to a flatter stomach is the appropriate way of inhaling and exhaling. In fact as one inhales and exhales properly, the lungs are expanded in the right manner, as well as the diaphragm causing the muscles in the stomach to tighten and relax accordingly. This is one effective way on how to get a flat stomach at home.

Mop the floor manually. It is time to get rid of vacuum cleaners, and do the mopping manually. The leg extensions that one do back and forth while mopping the floor actually stretches the stomach causing the fats around the stomach area to be loosened. Regular executions of these actions would lead to a flat stomach in no time at all.

Arrange the cupboard a number of times daily. The cupboard is normally hung overboard in such a way that it wouldn't get in anybody's way. As one put things in the cupboard, it cannot be avoided that the sided of the body is stretched out as one reaches for the cupboard. Therefore as one reaches out, the sides are stretched and are twisted which could be a very good exercise for a flatter stomach.

This Article is related to the subject of how to get flat stomach [http://www.getaflatstomach.org/2009/04/easy-ways-to-get-flat-stomach.html] and get flat-stomach after pregnancy. If you are looking for information on flat stomach then [http://www.getaflatstomach.org/] is the best place for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ems_Aleks

Flat Tummy Cardio Exercises - Best Cardio Workout For a Flat and Sexy Stomach

Most women are seen flaunting their flat belly while you may be struggling to get the desired figure. Your bulging stomach may be the reason for all your worries and embarrassments. In order to shed those extra pounds you can undergo cardio exercises. They will sculpt your muscles and provide you a well-shaped look.You look sexier and more desirable with a flat tummy. They enhance the overall appearance of your body. Flat tummy cardio exercises are the best way to obtain a sleek and sassy look.

Best Cardio Workout For A Flat And Sexy Stomach

Aerobic Exercises: They are the best form of flat tummy cardio exercises to burn your belly fat. They supply enough oxygen, which stimulates metabolism in your body. They can be extremely beneficial in burning those extra calories. You can also perform aerobic dances; they are usually the combination of exercises and dances of various forms.

Brisk Walking: You can also talking up walking for chiseling your stomach muscles. The process is simple but in order to shed those extra fat, you should follow this exercise regularly at least for one hour daily. Brisk walking is suitable for people at every age group. You can do hiking which is a form of walking amid natural surroundings. It can even relieve anxiety, depression and stress. Try vacationing in some hilly area and indulge yourself in some adventurous hiking.

Running: We have never seen an athlete with a bulging stomach. Running involves all your muscles. You will never develop that extra mass in your body if you perform flat tummy cardio exercises regularly.

Swimming: This is one of the best flat tummy cardio exercises to tone your muscles and flatten your tummy. The whole body is extremely involved in this workout that can burn lots of calories.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Garrett

Dance Poles - I Lost 10 Pounds, Toned My Stomach and Had No Idea What I Was Doing

I know most people hate the words diet and exercise and feel that losing weight is a chore. Well I am no different than anyone else and like a lot of people I have been wanting to take off that last ten pounds for years. Somehow it never became enough of a priority for me to lose the last ten pounds. I already ate pretty healthy but enjoyed my indulgences now and then. As soon as I discovered the dance pole...

Losing the Last 10 Pounds Came Naturally

It came naturally once I stopped worrying about it and discovered the funnest form of exercise I have ever experienced; Pole Dancing. I know this might sound crazy to some people and exotic and mysterious to others but don't knock it until you have tried it. A friend convinced me to give the pole a try with her. I ended up losing track of time while I was on the pole and that was they key.

When You Aren't Trying Things Happen

I can't stress this enough; I had so much fun on the dance pole that I would stay on it for hours. They funny thing is that I had no weight loss goal in mind I was just having fun. I kept going back to the pole because I was having such a blast. After about a month I started to notice the changes in my body.

A flatter, toned stomach was mine without trying

I am not saying that I didn't work out because I did but I had no idea the results would be so amazing. I used to take ab classes and do all sorts of crunches with little results. After a month on the dance pole my abs were better than ever because you have to use your core to do pole work.

Flat abs, toned arms, no gym fees and loads of fun

So what did I do to keep my fun and fitness going? I installed a dance pole in my house. After a month in classes and at my friend's house I was hooked and I wasn't going to give up my new found shape and fun. I bought a dance pole and installed it in less than an hour and now I have home fitness. My pole is always a conversation piece and I have converted just about everyone who tries it.

Find out more about the best poles at pole-reviews.com -- Remember that having the right dance pole makes all the difference.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amanda_Richwell

Flat Stomach Cardio Exercises - Secret Aerobic and Stomach Exercises For Flat Abs and Slim Waistline

The most vulnerable portion of the body that shows up the weight gain is your abdominal area. When it comes to weight loss, one's aim is always to slim down the waistline. These are several slim waistline workouts and flat stomach cardio exercises that can be taken up to achieve this aim. While some these workouts have to be done at an intense level, you also have options to go for the moderate ones.

To begin with you must exercise at least 20 to minutes in a day. The best to work out with Flat Stomach Cardio Exercises is early in the morning and just before you sleep at night. To enhance the impact of the workout you may choose to drink the drink comprising of honey, lemon juice and luke warm water. It is an extremely effective, natural and harmless detox drink.

Here are some of the slim waistline workouts and flat stomach cardio exercises to help you lose weight and tone up the body:

Brisk Walking

This is the simplest and best Flat Stomach Cardio Exercises you can do everyday . The best way is to find a partner to do it along with you. Then you won't ever miss it.


This not only burns the fat around the tummy area, but also increases your stamina to work.


Swimming is a simple cardio workout as it serves as a great stress buster. It is a fun sport that can be enjoyed with family & friends. It is one of the Flat Stomach Cardio Exercises that helps in getting slimmer waistline thereby providing people with attractive physique.

Yoga & Meditation

The breathing techniques in yoga are indeed helpful in many regards. They relieve the stress, add to your stamina, enhance concentration & memory power and reduce the waist size significantly. The best part is that the weight & waist size lost this way would not get back that easily.

Sit ups and Ab Crunches

Known for years together, if done with full force, these are actually some wonderful workouts to get a slim waistline. It is perhaps one of the most used flat stomach cardio exercise.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Garrett

Belly Blasting Exercises - Top Six Workouts For Trimming Your Stomach

Losing weight is not at all a difficult task for the people having the right information, at the right moment along with the right tools to use. Losing weight is one of the major concerns of the obese people these days because surplus weight not only makes them appear unattractive but also accompanies along some major health problems. According to various studies, maximum number of heart problems, diabetes and other ailments are found in the overweight people. Therefore, if you are storing surplus fat in your body, you need to follow some effective and healthy diet plans in addition to various weight loss exercises in order to reduce your weight.

Listed below are the top ten belly fat exercises that are proven to generate fruitful results.

1. Jogging

With the help of jogging, you will be able to reduce a considerable amount of weight by burning about 500-550 calories/hour. Apart from burning the calories, you will get enough time to think on various matters while jogging. This exercise will help you in shedding off extra pounds from your body along with building your stamina.

2. Yoga

By stretching your body while performing yoga exercises, you will be able to get a flat stomach along with a healthy mind and soul. After some time, you will notice a considerable change in your body. You will be burning near about 180-200 calories per hour and even more if you are undergoing more advanced positions and moves.

3. Walking

This is one of the easiest and effective exercises, helpful in burning your surplus body fat. Brisk walking is considered to be the best cardio exercise that not only helps in reducing your weight but also help in toning your legs, hips and stomach. Just by walking for about an hour, you will be able to burn 350-360 calories.

4. Swimming

Swimming is a fun loving and leisure exercise for your body especially during the summers. By swimming up and down the length of the pool, you will be able to burn around 800 calories in just an hour. Swimming not only helps in burning more calories but also helps in toning your entire body. You can learn new styles and strokes of swimming along with losing your surplus body weight.

5. Cycling

This is a real calorie burning exercise for the obese people as it is really helpful in burning 500-1000 calories per hour depending upon your cycling speed. People who are busy in their daily schedules can take the help of exercise bike in order to perform the cycling exercise. You can also ride a bicycle for going to nearby distances instead of traveling by your car.

6. Step Aerobics

Aerobic exercises mainly target the hips and leg region that are required to be toned. You can perform a combination of various aerobic exercises and split them over 2-3 sessions in order to generate effective results. By working out for about an hour, you will be able to burn 800-1000 calories from your body.

Therefore, these are some of the best belly trimming exercises that will help in shaping up your stomach in an effective manner.

Know how to Lose Belly Fat Quickly and learn how to loss your weight through Belly Fat Exercises.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jade_Fagan

3 Stomach Toning Exercises That Work All Year Round

There is a huge misconception when it comes to stomach toning exercises. How long have you been told that sit-ups, crunches, and oblique workouts were the tell all, be all. Unfortunately men and women around the world spend hours doing all of them and the results are only minimal. Plus, these three options are probably the worst to do when it comes to staying motivated.

Today we want to go over a few different stomach toning exercises you should seriously consider instead of the traditional methods. After you take advantage of them you will be able to notice the fat in and around the mid-section will begin to disappear. However, you still need to have a proper diet, and the motivation to reach your goal. If you have all three it will be easy to get that hard and toned stomach.

Think Aerobics

One of the best ways to melt away the pounds is with aerobic exercise. It allows you to boost your metabolism and keep it at a higher level. Granted, this all depends on whether or not you stick with your weekly regimen, but aerobic exercises are definitely one of the keys to your success. Just remember to also utilize regular exercises so you can tone your stomach the best way possible.

Exercises Built for Your Stomach

When it comes to stomach toning exercises you want to find ones that will work all the areas of your mid-section. If you do something like a sit-up or standard crunch you're only going to benefit in the areas each one of them focus on throughout the exercise. Unless you are specifically working on part of your abdominal muscles you don't want to waste your time going with traditional methods.

It's time to take a different route and really discover the ins and outs of the best options when it comes to stomach toning exercises. Make sure your choice can be strenuous enough to raise your metabolism levels and work every abdominal muscle there. You want to work smarter, not harder, and the only way to do that is with the best exercises for your stomach.

Additional Help

Even though the right stomach toning exercises are beneficial, there are other things you can do to get the best results possible. One of them is by eating a healthy diet. Keep in mind; the foods you consume should not increase your weight. There are a lot of so called "healthy" foods out there that can do this, so just be mindful. Instead, try focusing on foods that will help you burn fat. We have a long list of choices for you to add to your weekly diet planning.

Get Started Now

The longer you wait to utilize the right stomach toning exercises, the longer it will be until you see the results you enjoy. Even if you start out by eliminating sit-ups, crunches and obliques and utilize the exercises we're about to show you it can make a huge difference. Once you have a handle on this area you can put more emphasis on your diet and hopefully use them at the same time.

Although I have mentioned a number of exercises, get the complete list of stomach toning exercises [http://www.bestexcercisetolosebellyfat.net] by visiting my blog at [http://www.bestexcercisetolosebellyfat.net] and those sexy six pack abs you've always dreamed of.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanna_Johnson

Natural Ways to Lose Stomach Fat - Drink Aloe Vera Juice - Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

To loose body fat or loose belly fat, you have to watch what you eat. For rapid belly fat loss, the kind of caloric intake is essential. You don't expect to eat high fat foods and lose the fat. You should be eating a minimum of 1 gram of protein per body weight pound. This means that if you are 150 pounds in weight, you should be eating about 150 grams of protein each day. For complex carbohydrates, you would need a minimum of 2 grams per body weight pound. This will limit your body fat to up to 20% of your intake of calories.

Here are some examples of food to include in your daily diet:

1 Scoop Whey Protein
6 Servings Egg White
3 ounces Turkey Breast
4 ounces Tuna
2 ounce Salmon
2 ounce Sardines
1 ounce Almonds
2 ounce Sirloin Steak
3 ounce Chicken Breast

Natural Ways to Loose Stomach Fat

Cut out the processed foods and stick to raw vegetables and lot of freshly made fruit juice. Aloe Vera Juice is one of the best ways to lower body fat in less time because it attacks the digestive system to make your foods more easily digestible. It also detoxifies your body to get rid of the acidity in your body.

The body is naturally acidic and the foods that you eat add more acid to the body. You want to eat increase the PH (alkaline) balance in your body and Aloe Vera Juice is the perfect natural method to do so.

Get the Aloe Vera Plant and scrape one of its pups with a knife or cut it up in small pieces and blend it into a gel. Mix it with egg white, and a little lime juice as well as honey. Drink that once or twice per day and you will lose belly fat. However, you have to cut out the other nonessential foods from your diet that have trans fat and too much sugar.

Aloe Vera Juice increases your metabolism because of the properties included in it. It strengthens the immune system and gives you more energy. Its natural properties are safe. Get one of those exercise balls and do some sit ups each day. It does not have to be too many and when you do these sit ups using the ball, it prevents any back pain and it makes it more fun for you to do. You can even get away with just three times per week. I find that this really helps.

Here are some Alkaline Foods to add to your diet and Acid Foods to stay away from:

Alkaline Vegetables: Red Cabbage, Spinach, Green Beens, Asparagus, Carrots, Leeks, Turnip, Beetroot, Garlic, Celery, Cucumber, Broccoli, Brussels, Peas, Onion and more

Alkaline Fruits: Lemon, Avacoda, Grapefruit, Watermelon and Tomato

Stick to salads, fresh vegetables and healthy nuts and oils. Try to consume plenty of raw foods and at least 2-3 litres of clean, pure water daily. Flax, Sesame and Sunflower seeds are great alkaline foods.

Stay away from diary, foods that are fatty, milk and cheese.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Banks

Reduce Excess Abdominal Fat - 4 Common Spices To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Beginning from this month, get ready to reduce excess abdominal fat from your body with 4 common spices that have being research-proven to lose belly fat fast instead of wasting your money on diet pills or weight loss pills.

You may not be aware, but it is important you know that diet or weight loss pills depending on the type and the ingredients used to make them can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, liver problems, organ damage, headaches, nausea, increased heart rate, anxiety, restlessness, breathing problems, stomach problems and addiction to the pills or supplements. There is no substitute for healthy eating and regular physical activity when it comes to reducing stomach fat and losing weight.

To reduce excess abdominal fat, regain your inner natural balance, lose belly fat and be in the best shape of your life, it is important that you know the 4 common spices that can help you get a flat stomach, improve your brain function and naturally lower bad cholesterol.

Here are the 4 common spices that can help you to reduce excess abdominal fat without rigorous exercises:

Ginseng: Adding ginseng to your food daily will help to reduce your blood-sugar levels. Reduction of blood sugar leads to the production of less insulin - the hormone that tells your body to store fat especially around your stomach region.
Cinnamon: Studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce the risk of diabetes and lower bad cholesterol. If you want to lose belly fat naturally, learn to add some quantity of cinnamon on your breakfast cereal or toast in the morning. You can also add 2 teaspoons or two cinnamon sticks in a cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, sieve and drink as tea. You can drink this tea first thing in the morning and before you go to bed at night.
Cayenne Pepper: Several studies have shown that Cayenne pepper is the best natural spice for losing weight and belly fat. Cayenne pepper aids in increasing your body's metabolism. Adding cayenne on a regular daily basis to your meal can boost your metabolism by 30% to burn of excess abdominal fat. It is also known to reduce appetite and beneficial to the heart.
Ginger: It helps to increase the rate of metabolism thus helping to burn fat and reduce stomach fat. It increases the pH of stomach acid, reducing its acidity, lowering the rate of gastric secretions, and increasing digestive enzyme activity.Nobody is telling you to use these 4 common spices alone to help you lose weight. You only need to practice adding the spices to your everyday healthy meals to give your body the extra boost to reduce excess abdominal fat and ward off harmful diseases associated with tummy fat.

Remember, diet and weight loss pills are dangerous to your health. It is safer and wiser to reduce excess abdominal fat by using a well researched program that will help you lose weight, regain your natural inner balance and look younger. Click here now to visit this helpful site that will show you the best ways to lose belly fat fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flaviu_Serban

Burn Stomach Fat the Lazy Way - How to Reduce Stomach Flab While Lying in Your Bed

Here's how to burn stomach fat the lazy way. Basically, I'm going to show you how to reduce stomach flab while you lie on your bed. Only takes a few minutes a day too. It's easy, quick, and you can do it while you watch tv. You don't have an excuse to NOT do these!

How to Reduce Stomach Flab

1. The "hot hands" belly rub

This is what you do...

Rub your hands together. Do this for 25 seconds or whatever. Just create some kinetic heat on them. Then, while you lie down on your bed, rub circles around your belly button. Do this for 20-30 seconds.

Then stop... rub your hands together for another 10 seconds... and repeat. Do this for a total of 2-3 minutes, twice a day for best results.

Once in the morning and once at night.

The theory behind why this works... the heat from your hands basically burn off fat cells in your stomach. The heat passes directly past your skin and into the fat cells.

The heat basically burns them alive. They don't like heat. Now, it'll take some time to get rid of all the fat cells doing this, but repeated exposure to this type of heat will eliminate and burn the stomach fat out.

2. The isometric ab squeeze

This helps to flatten your abs. What you do is tighten up your abs and squeeze them together. As hard as you can. Then hold for as long as you can.

Release, rest a few seconds, then repeat. This also can be done while lying on your bed. I suggest you do it for 3-6 minutes a day, depending on how quickly you want to solve your belly fat problem.

If you want to burn stomach fat without having to do much of anything, I can't think of a better way to reduce stomach flab as fast and easy as with these 2 techniques.

Want more secrets to burn stomach fat? Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com for your FREE 19-PAGE report "How SPINNING Around Like a Child Skyrockets your Weight Loss".

WHY get it? BECAUSE reading this article shows you're NOT 100% HAPPY with your body. Today you can fix it. The report will help you lose 10+ pounds, balance your hormones, and give you tons of energy.

I think you're committed to losing weight BECAUSE you read this article. That's an important 1st step. If weight loss truly is a PRIORITY for you, then click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get the free report. 12,000+ women are using the report to lose weight... why not you?

Jennifer Jolan

PS. Click my name at the top of this article to view my author profile and 420 articles I wrote.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

How To Lose Stomach Fat Fast And Easy - 3 Proven Tips

Everyone wants to have flat, toned abs. You can find many people searching online for ways to get rid of their belly fat. Below I provide some tips and exercises which are helpful in this regard. Try to incorporate these tips in your daily life and soon you may start seeing some positive results.

1. Increase protein intake - Protein is required for muscle growth. The bigger muscles you have the more energy you require. By building and preserving lean muscle tissue, proteins help in burning more calories, thus promoting weight loss.

There are 3 types of proteins - lean, medium-fat and high-fat proteins. When you are trying to lose weight, you are better off adding lean protein to your diet. Lean protein contains nearly 30-40 calories per ounce while high-fat protein contains 80 to 100 calories an ounce.

Another huge benefit of proteins is that they keep you feeling full for a longer duration than other foods as they take more time to digest. Your body also burns more calories in order to digest proteins. Eggs, chicken, salmon, turkey, nuts are a few excellent sources of protein.

2. Jogging - The mistake most people make when trying to lose belly fat is they only do exercises which specifically target stomach area. This is not the correct approach. Instead you should combine exercises that are specifically for the abdomen with those exercises which give workout to all muscles of the body. Remember that in order to lose belly fat successfully, you should try to reduce your overall body fat. Jogging is an excellent exercise in this regard.

In a study conducted by 'Journal of Applied Physiology', it was found that people who jog for nearly 20 miles per week tend to lose belly fat while those who jog less than that may not gain further belly fat but they may not lose what they already have. If you are planning to shrink your belly size, you have to aim for doing 20 miles in a week. It works out to 3 miles per day if you jog all 7 days a week. My suggestion is to start small and then slowly increase the number of miles you jog per week. This way you won't overburden yourself. People above 40 may consider taking the advice of a doctor before they begin jogging.

3. Interval Training - Experts recommend interval training as the best and most effective method to burn fat. They recommend doing high-intensity workouts for shorter periods of time instead of low-intensity exercises over a long period. Whether you are running, doing squats or weight training, you can burn a lot more fat by having short bursts of high intensity workout sessions.

There are lots of healthy weight loss tips that you can follow to achieve your ideal weight. To learn more about how to lose weigh fast go to http://www.fatdynamite.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johny_Robinson

Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat Guaranteed

If you've been looking for the ultimate quickest way to lose belly fat, then this article is for you. I'm going to show you 3 super secret and brain-dead easy tricks that are guaranteed to help you start losing abdominal fat IMMEDIATELY!

For me weight didn't really become an issue until my mid-twenties when my sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits landed me in a 270 lb. fat suit complete with two double chins and thighs that constantly rubbed together (causing painful irritation).

Then, to make matters worse, my girlfriend left me (she wasn't attracted anymore). This resulted in me falling into a deep depression (and I got even fatter).

After a year or so burying my pain under mountains of greasy snacks I decided to get up off my duff and get my body back into shape.

And I tried everything... from reading muscle magazines, to giving up cheese, soda and desserts, to buying an ab machine I saw advertised on late night television.

And the truth is that each of these things did help, a little bit.

I mean seriously, if you count calories and exercise regularly you are pretty much guaranteed to drop SOME of your weight.

But, and it's a big BUT...This can be an extremely slow and agonizing process.

I should know, I've been there, done that, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it!

Luckily however, I was able to speed up my gains significantly when I found out the quickest way to lose belly fat, and not to toot my own horn but these days I basically look like a fitness model!

Here's the quick and dirty version of how I did it:

1) I stopped killing myself in the gym
I always thought that if I busted my hump doing hard-core cardio sessions that I would lose the weight. And, I tried and tried but it never really did me any good. In fact I would just end up exhausted and starving. Now I just lift weights for 40 minutes at a time and forget about cardio all together!

2)I accepted the fact that "spot reduction" is a complete myth
Complete myth! I used to do 100-200 crunches every time I went to the gym, and y'know what, my abs were nowhere in sight! It wasn't until I started working out the RIGHT way that I was able to melt off my gut and see the abs underneath (they had been there all along!)

3) I discovered small dietary tweaks to pay HUGE dividends
When I tried to be a vegetarian I got FATTER. When I tried the Atkin's diet I felt like complete crap and all that meat gave me terrible acne. But, when I made minor tweaks like cutting out processed white flour products, and eating a handful of raw almonds before each meal I started losing lbs. at an ALARMING rate.

This next part is extremely important, so pay attention:

Ever since I dropped my weight, I've been telling everybody about this awesome system - As far as I'm concerned it's the absolute quickest way to lose belly fat

Click Here and watch the fat melt right off of you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Curtis_Drexler

3 Ways to Lose Stomach Fat - From the Extreme and Drastic to the Completely Healthy and Normal!

As we are all fully aware the weight loss industry is booming. People are always looking for the best ways to lose weight and body fat. This in turn goes hand in hand with the numerous diet and weight loss plans. For many of us the first sign of excess baggage comes from our midsection. So in this article I would like to discuss ways to lose stomach fat. Beware 2 of the so called solutions you should avoid at all costs and the other is one of the best ways to lose stomach fat:-

1) I still can't believe that people would consider getting a gastric band or a stomach staple. This used to be an operation purely for people suffering from a critical medical condition. However nowadays it appears to have moved into the cosmetic surgery category. This is an extreme measure to try and lose that spare tyre and should be avoided at all costs! Having a surgical procedure is dangerous in itself, but then you have to cope with the side effects as well. Add to this the cost of such an operation and it no longer seems such a great option!

2) The next so called "solution" is crash dieting. It seems that many of the diet plans within the marketplace support crash dieting. You will lose weight almost immediately using this method, but the majority of that is water weight. This comes about because you are not consuming enough calories. Often your body's reaction to this type of diet is to hold onto body fat rather than burning it. Your body and brain believes that you are starving, so it will want to keep this fat to use as energy. You may find that by crash dieting eventually you will actually put more weight on. Your stomach will appear more bloated and you may have done irreversible damage to your body.

3) Probably one of the best ways to lose stomach fat is to follow a balanced diet and take a little more exercise. I guess most people actually know this, but tend to avoid it for more extreme weight loss measures! By simply cutting out refined sugars and fat, reducing the total amount of calories that you consume and following a healthy exercise plan you should see the pounds fall off. You should notice your body and shape will continually improve!

These are merely a few Ways To Lose Stomach Fat.

If you are desperate to lose body fat and shift those unsightly pounds please Click Here and discover exactly how to get that slim, beautiful body you've always dreamed of!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Birch

Best Battle Rope Workout to Burn Calories

Battle Rope Workouts Burn Fat While Building Muscle!

Battle Rope workouts are becoming more and more popular in the fitness world thanks to circuit style training and new research about the negative effects of steady state cardio. According to all the recent articles out there, they are able to burn high amounts of calories and fat while building muscle. It also has the advantage of being very low impact (considering you're just standing, it is virtually no impact). But, can we believe the hype?

What Does the Research Say?

Well, unfortunately, there isn't a lot of research out there at this point about battle ropes, so I took the liberty to do a little test run on my own to see just how effective they can be. I set up a HIIT style workout using the battle ropes, and I kept it short and sweet at just 10 minutes. I worked at maximum effort for 30 seconds then took 30 seconds of active recovery (I walked during the 30 second recovery period). Using a heart monitor and my Polar T4 wrist monitor, here is what I found:

Workout Duration (excluding warm up and cool down): 10 Minutes
Total Calories Burned: 149
Max. Heart Rate: 172
Notes: I also felt some serious burn in my arms and shoulders, and I could tell my core got a solid workout also.

So, what does this mean? Is that a good workout? Well, in terms of calories, that is an awesome workout for the duration. For a HIIT style workout, I wouldn't recommend going longer than 30 minutes. Typically, if you can last longer than 30 minutes, you could be working harder. So, in 30 minutes, that works out to 447 Calories, plus all the extra calories you'll burn in EPOC which varies, but usually works out to around 100-200 more. Interval training like this also promotes some very important health benefits including insulin resistance, increased VO2 max and many others. For those of us looking to get more defined, interval training maintains muscle mass which is crucial for getting a nice physique.

To put this into perspective, let's compare this to some other forms of cardio.

30 Minute Battle Rope Workout: 447 + 200 in EPOC = 647 Total Calories Burned
60 Minutes on the treadmill at 6mph (10 minute mile): Approximately 700 Calories
60 Minutes on the treadmill leisurely walking: Approximately 270 Calories
60 Minutes of Basketball at a vigorous intensity: Approximately 600 Calories

Keep in mind, the Battle Rope workout is a 30 minute workout. Thirty minutes of Battle Ropes at maximum intensity burns as many, if not more, calories than many common forms of exercise can burn in twice that time. This is an awesome way for people with joint problems to be able to perform high intensity exercise while maintaining their joint integrity and limiting joint pain. Battle Ropes also promote strength gains in the upper body and limiting the catabolic effects present during steady state cardio. Overall, Battle Rope workouts are looking to be a great new form of cardio and a great addition to any workout program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_M_York

How To Get A Flat, Toned Stomach

One of the most common fitness questions this time of year is "How can I tone my stomach for swimsuit season"? Typically, people believe that the guaranteed quick route to obtaining a rock-solid six-pack is a path packed with hundreds of sit-ups or abdominal crunches. Wrong!

The reality is that even if you do crunches every day you aren't guaranteed to get the stomach you desire. Getting those highly sought after, toned abs requires more work than just abdominal exercises. Plus, as far as stomach exercises go, sit-ups or crunches alone are not the solution.

We won't go into detail about the muscles that make up the abdominal wall, but it's good to know the basic information. At a high-level the abdominal/trunk area consists of 5 major muscles. It's necessary that all of these muscles be exercised. It's also important to utilize different types of training techniques like concentric, eccentric and isometric.

In addition to training those muscles, it is imperative that you also reduce the fat in your stomach area. If you don't decrease the fat in this area, then you'll never see well-defined abdominal muscles not matter how long and hard you train them.

The key to reducing body fat is a comprehensive workout program that consists of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. Plus, don't forget a healthy diet. Good examples of cardio exercises are: walking, swimming, aerobics, and jogging. Strength training can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands and even just your own body weight. Flexibility can be as simple as a few stretches held in place for about 20 seconds.

Now, back to the specifics of abdominal training. Traditional crunches can be a part of your abdominal training, but should be limited and certainly shouldn't be the only part. To most effectively work your stomach area, it's necessary to include about 80% rotational work. Rotational exercises are those that include twisting-type methods. Simple crunches do not fall into the rotational category because you simply lift your body straight up and down.

To most effectively train your abs, incorporate a lot of variety, including different positions and equipment. This will allow your muscles to continually be challenged, which is what will help make them stronger and more defined. Remember that you don't have to lie on your back in the supine position to work your stomach area. There are hundreds of different ways to work them, including exercises in a standing position, on your side, raised on a ball, hanging from a bar, etc.

Don't forget the importance of form. If you don't use correct form when performing abdominal exercises, you'll severely limit the effectiveness not to mention possibly cause an injury. Tips for correct form include:

Don't ever pull on your neck or head
Don't allow your legs to move, they should remain still -- let your abs do all the work
Try to keep your belly button pulled in toward the floor throughout the entire move.

To get you started, below are a few sample exercises* with instructions. Start working out today, and you can show-off your toned abs in time for summer.

Basic Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head for support. Using your abdominal muscles lift your shoulders a few inches off the ground, pause briefly and return to start position. Complete at least one set of 10-12 reps.

Standing Towel Circle: Stand tall and hold a small towel (or resistance band) taut overhead. Contract abs and slowly draw a large, wide circle over your head and around your torso with your hands. Keep towel pulled taut throughout. Return to beginning position and reverse the circular direction. Complete at least one set of 8-10 reps in each direction.

Oblique Twist With Ball: Begin by sitting on the ball. Walk feet forward until ball is resting under your back -- body is now parallel to the floor. Place hands lightly behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly crunch up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Return to starting parallel position and repeat then switch sides.

For access to a huge library of exercises demonstrations (including demos for the above exercises), visit: http://www.workoutsforyou.com

*You should always consult your physician before trying any new exercise programs.

Lynn Bode, author and certified personal trainer, offers her services online through WorkoutsForYou.com. Workouts For You delivers affordable weekly exercise programs to help even the busiest of people lose weight, tone-up, build muscles, increase stamina and more via the Internet. Let us guide you one-on-one through your fitness journey. Visit us online for a free sample workout.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Bode