Lose Body Fat Using Elite Bodybuilders' Secrets

Have you ever seen a skinny fat person. The kind of person that looks like they have small bones but have a lot of fat covering those bones. Or the kind of person that lost water weight but still has a lot of fat hanging off his body.

One of the main reasons these persons look the way they do is because they are not doing the kind of exercises that cause them to lose body fat and build muscle.

Look at bodybuilders. Some of them are in excess of 220 pounds and yet they don't look overweight. That is because they have a lot of lean body mass. And that is what skinny fat people lack - lean body mass.

Putting on muscle is a vital part of increasing your metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight. This is because muscle burns fat. The more lean body mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be.

To lose body fat, you don't need to be a gym freak or steroid freak. You don't need to be hitting the weights day in day nor do you need to aspire to look like a body builder or fitness model. But what you need to do is to do the right type of exercises.

You see, not all form of exercises are equal in efficiency in burning fat. And you might be surprised to know that neither is lifting weight the most efficient workout for losing weight. Sure, lifting weights can help you to lose body fat but it is a long slow process. Kinda like the slow boat to China.

By doing the right combination of exercises, you can turn your body into a calorie burning machine and in the process build up some muscular definition. Don't worry, you won't become huge and muscular if you want to. But you''ll achieve an ideal weight, look good in your clothes and look strong and healthy.

Kinda like the difference between skinny frail looking marathon runner and looking and solid like a sprinter.

Fat hanging off your arms like wings? Then get my FREE e-book entitled Skyrocket Your Fat Loss Success and learn elite body builders secrets to lose body fat [http://www.ImproveMetabolism.com] and build lean muscle in the fastest way possible. Visit: [http://www.ImproveMetabolism.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Cassell