Secrets to Lose Belly Fat

Many people believe there is a Holy Grail to six pack abs. If they find the secret, they will be able to have a great lean and firm physique without having to sweat days in days out in the gym. Some spend lots of money on fat burning pills and massage cream, which claim to burn belly fat so effectively you don't need to diet. Some go for the magic belt, wishing they can relax and enjoy watching TV while still trimming their abs. Others stick to the rule of 300 sit ups per day, not too hard anyway. All hope for a quick and less tiring way to get a super model's body. Well let me tell you something. There are no such things as easy ways to get six pack abs.

If you think taking pills, rubbing some cream or putting on a belt can give you what you want then fitness gyms would have gone out of business. The truth is if you want a great body shape then get your butt off the couch and work hard. So here it goes:

Secret #1: There is no short cut to six pack abs. Hard work has its own payoff.

Secret #2: Doing 300 crunches everyday alone will never give you ripped abs.

Unlike popular belief, abs exercises like crunches by themselves are not enough to show your packs. They only strengthen your abs muscles but if your body fat does not get down to a very low level, these packs will still be covered underneath a layer of fat. So fat loss takes priority over abs exercises.

Secret #3: You don't have to run 5 kilometers everyday on the treadmill to burn fat.

Many people are so scared when they think of spending hours on the boring treadmill. The truth is cardio is not the most important part on your journey to a lean hard body. You can do many types of exercises, including fun ones to shred the fat.

Secret #4: Weight training is essential for fat loss.

If you think lifting weights is only for muscle building then you are wrong. It helps a great deal in increasing your metabolism, i.e. burning more fat. Plan your workout so that most of the time you do multiple joint compound exercises. Isolation exercises and cardio will still have their own parts.

Secret #5: The key to fat loss is good nutrition.

I mean good nutrition, not starving. If you are overweight, it is necessary to have about 500-calorie deficit in your dietary intake. However, what you eat is even more important. Refer to my other articles for guidelines on good nutrition.

To lose weight and shred the belly fat you need a burning desire and strong motivation. In addition, the right knowledge of diet and exercise will reduce your time on trial and errors to bring you the result faster. If you have frequently been fighting against your procrastination to start working out, confusing with which is the right diet and training, take your first step by clicking Here to find out how you can boost your result instantly.

Dzung Dao Tien is a Master student in Sport Science & Sport Psychology from Lund University Sweden. He is also a practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Program which helps training people to achieve peak performance. He has gained several years of working experiences in helping people realizing and making their fitness goal successful. To learn more about Dzung, visit his website at http://www.losingweightmotivation.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dzung_Dao_Tien