7 Steps to Rapid Fat Loss

A healthy diet and the right kind of exercise can aid your efforts to lose body fat. Follow these seven steps to boost your fat loss to new levels.

1. Include High Intensity Cardio into Your Workouts

High intensity cardio involves activities such as running, bicycling, step aerobics, jump roping, spinning, brisk walking, and cardio machines like the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, and rowing machine. These activities can elevate your heart rate to 75% - 85% of its maximum level where you reach maximum fat burn. The higher the intensity, the more calories burned. This type of training stimulates your metabolism allowing you to burn fat longer, even after you've completed your workout. The best way to incorporate high intensity cardio into your workouts is through interval training where you alternate short bursts of high-speed activity with periods of lower intensity exercises.

2. Include High Intensity Resistance Training

High intensity resistance training is weight training where several exercises are executed together for a certain number of reps per set (usually 12-15 reps and up to 3 sets) without rest. This type of resistance training provides for an increased metabolic rate which will burn fat longer. It also increases your muscle and bone density and improves your aerobic endurance so you can sustain your workouts.

3. Increase Protein Intake

Protein intake is extremely important in reaching your fitness goals. Protein is used for building and maintaining muscle tissue in the body. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns. However, the typical diet of simply reducing calories causes your body to look to your muscle tissue for fuel before it looks to your fat stores for energy. You need to increase your protein intake to preserve and build your muscle tissue. In addition, protein will help you to feel fuller longer.

You can easily increase your protein intake by adding protein-rich vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach to your salads. Try starting your day with an omelet made from egg whites and low-fat cheese or a peanut butter smoothie made by blending Greek yogurt, low fat milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter to help you feel satisfied until lunch. Choose lean cuts of meat and fish and try grilling or broiling them to keep your fat intake down while increasing your protein.

4. Increase Fibrous Carbohydrate Intake

Fibrous carbohydrates are very low in calories and provide vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to your body. They include vegetables such as broccoli, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, squash, and green beens. Choose fresh vegetables over canned vegetables. Fresh vegetables contain less sodium. Fibrous carbohydrates are known to provide a thermic effect in helping you succeed in burning fat and creating a lean body.

5. Reduce Intake of Starchy Carbohydrates

Most starchy carbohydrates are refined which means the fibrous part of the grain is mechanically removed. The carbohydrate loses its healthier complex structure and takes on the properties of a simple carbohydrate that acts much like sugar does in your body. These simple carbohydrates cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and often make you feel hungrier sooner. White bread, white rice, white flour, potatoes, pasta, and processed cereals are all examples of carbohydrates to reduce or eliminate in your diet. Opt for carbohydrates such as fresh fruit, oatmeal, and whole grains.

6. Increase Water Intake

Increasing your water intake has countless health benefits. Water can help with your weight loss efforts by regulating your appetite, increasing your metabolism, boosting your energy levels, and actually reducing your body's water retention.

Keep your body hydrated by keeping a bottle of water with you all day and drinking from it before you get thirsty. When exercising, be sure to drink at least eight ounces of water before your workout, four to eight ounces every 15 minutes during your workout, and another eight ounces after your workout.

7. Get Some Rest

You cannot effectively lose weight without proper rest. Sleep deprivation leads to overeating as your body tries to refuel from the energy it's missing. In addition, when your body is tired, you are less likely to stick to a regular exercise routine and have less energy to put into your workout. Get plenty of rest each night to aid in reaching your fitness goals.

Walter Lewis specializes in using the outdoors to create the ultimate fitness experience for clients. He is an experienced Fitness Coach who has trained and motivated over 500 busy professionals into top shape. Some of his programs include the Ultimate Fitness Challenge, 6 Hour Bootcamp, How to Run Your First 5K, and Weight loss Warrior. For more information about Walter and his programs go to:http://www.walterlewisfitness.com

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